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  • eddychwong

[CAS -- C016] Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC) — 擁有實證支持,專為兒童言語失用症而設計的治療方法

為了令言語治療師及家長更認識不同的治療方法,我將會為大家深入詳細介紹不同的治療方法。第一個想介紹的,是我本人十分常用的Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC; Strand, 2019)。我將會分開多個post,逐一詳細介紹有關DTTC的注意事項。

#1 Theoretical framework (理論) #2 Target selection (揀選訓練目標字詞) #3 Temporal hierarchy and cueing strategy (有關時間性及提示的方法) #4 Block and random practice #5 Feedback (回饋)

參考資料: Strand, E. A. (2019). Dynamic temporal and tactile cueing: A treatment strategy for childhood apraxia of speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29, 30-48.

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This is an excellent clinical article. Especially like the term "diagnostic treatment."


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