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  • eddychwong

[CAS - C017] DTTC#1 - Theoretical framework

Updated: Feb 10, 2021

Strand (2019) 表示,DTTC的目的是 “…to improve the efficiency of neural processing for the development and refinement of sensorimotor planning and programming, especially specification of movement parameters for acquisition of speech motor skills, as well as to provide strategies to enhance retention.” (p.31) 要看得明以上的目的,可能你要先回顧一下之前有關兒童言語失用症的Video (附上連結: 。簡單地說,DTTC是幫助改善運動能力的 (Motor Skills)。注意,不是做運動的能力 (exercise skills)。而有關運動能力的理論,DTTC就採立了schema theory (Schmidt, 1975)。Schema theory 其中提及了generalised motor program (GMP), 它是不同動作的核心,這個核心會安排不同動作的細節。DTTC的治療方針,就是要幫助患有兒童言語失用症的兒童建立GMP。 Schmidt (1975) 提及了四項重點,有助於學習動作:1) 起始情況,2)動作細節,3) 感知後果,及4) 動作結果。DTTC透過加強兒童對準備動作的認識,集中注意力於感覺自己的發音器官的動作,提供有關動作的回饋,減慢速度來讓兒童得到更多感知回饋等技巧,讓兒童建立自己的GMP,令說話更清晰。 參考資料: Schmidt, R. A. (1975). A schema theory of discrete motor skills learning. Psychological Review, 82(4), 225-260.

Strand, E. A. (2019). Dynamic temporal and tactile cueing: A treatment strategy for childhood apraxia of speech. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 29, 30-48.

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This is an excellent clinical article. Especially like the term "diagnostic treatment."


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