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[CAS – R002] Strand’s 10-point checklist


多年以來,CAS的研究都集中於臨床表徵。但可惜,多年研究,都未有一項表徵能有效作診斷。在這前題下,外國的言語治療師都會用checklist協助診斷。Strand’s 10-point checklist (Shriberg, Potter, & Strand, 2011) 就是其中一份。

Strand’s 10-point checklist 係一份配合Madison Speech Assessment Protocol (MSAP; Shriber et al., 2010) 的checklist。MSAP是一個套包括廿五項測試的評估,包括標準化及非標準化測試。而Strand’s 10-point checklist就包括以下十個臨床表徵: 1) Vowel or consonant distortions, 2) difficulty achieving initial articulatory configurations or transitionary movement gestures, 3) equal stress or lexical stress errors, 4) syllable segregation, 5) groping, 6) intrusive schwa, 7) voicing errors, 8) slow rate, 9) slow diadochokinetic rates, and 10) increased difficulty with multisyllabic words


其實呢份checklist係由Dr. Edythe Strand總結臨床經驗而得出嚟嘅。而呢份checklist 亦係Mayo Clinic 用緊嘅checklist。算係非常有份量嘅。雖然Shriberg et al. (2011) 提供咗做診斷嘅條件,但呢個checklist 嘅application 好有限。因為一來佢需要配合MSAP一齊做,二來每一個表徵亦欠缺詳細嘅客觀描述,要使用呢份checklist,係非常依賴言語治療師嘅專業臨床經驗。


References: Shriberg, L. D., Fourakis, M., Hall, S. D., Karlsson, H. B., Lohmeier, H. L., McSweeny, J. L., … Wilson, D. L. (2010). Extensions to the Speech Disorders Classification System (SDCS). Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 24(10), 795-824.

Shriberg, L. D., Potter, N. L., & Strand, E. A. (2011). Prevalence and phonotype of childhood apraxia of speech in youth with galactosemia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 54(2), 487-519.


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