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[CAS -- R011] Motor Speech Delay 2


上一次分享咗一篇文章,講Speech Motor Delay (SMD) 呢個新嘅clinical term嘅。今次就講下Speech Disorders Classification System (SDCS) 裡面講嘅Motor Speech Disorders (MSD)

SDCS 係一個research framework,由上個世紀開始發展,經過多過二十五年後,喺2019年發佈了finalize version (Shriberg, Kwiatkowski, & Mabie, 2019)。簡單嚟講,Speech Sound Disorders 分為三類:1) Speech Delay (SD), 2) Speech Errors (SE) 及3) Motor Speech Disorders (MSD)。

而喺MSD 入面,分為四種,包括: 1) Speech Motor Delay (SMD), 2) Childhood dysarthria (CD), 3) Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) 及 4) CD & CAS。

以上嘅分類,係根據一啲diagnostic markers 進行嘅,包括:Precision-Stability index (PSI: Shriberg & Wren, 2019), Dysarthria Subtype Index (DI) 及 Pause Marker (PM; Shriberg et al., 2017)。詳細嘅內容,可以參考相關嘅文獻。同之前嘅版本唔同,SMD係一個新clinical term,取代咗之前嘅Motor Speech Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified (MSD-NOS; Shriberg et al., 2010)。

個人意見: 1) 一個新的clinical term,帶來了新的認知。將本來被認為是非黑即白嘅Motor Speech Disorders 帶來了更合適的描述。臨床工作上,總會遇到既不CAS,又不CD,但又真切確實地有motor speech 問題的個案。現在我們可以根據研究結果把他們放在SMD一類中,並繼續以motor speech 的角度來處理。 2) 能夠用一啲objective 嘅方法去診斷病童為不同類形的MSD, 對於臨床工作是非常非常重要的。如果言語治療師能夠將研究結果轉化為臨床應用,相信會有令更多人受恵。 3) 需要提醒一下,MSD 與 Phonological Disorder可以同時存在,SDCS 嘅分類未有詳細描述此類情況。

Reference: Shriberg, L. D., Fourakis, M., Hall, S., Karlsson, H. B., Lohmeier, H. L., McSweeny, J. L., ... Wilson, D. L. (2010). Extensions to the Speech Disorders Classification System (SDCS). Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 24, 795–824. doi:10.3109/02699206.2010.503006

Shriberg, L. D., Kwiatkowski, J. & Mabie, H. L. (2019). Estimates of the prevalence of motor speech disorders in children with idiopathic speech delay. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. DOI: 10.1080/02699206.2019.1595731

Shriberg, L. D., Strand, E. A., Fourakis, M., Jakielski, K. J., Hall, S. D., Karlsson, H. B., Mabie, H. L., McSweeny, J. L., Tilkens, C. M., & Wilson, D. L. (2017). A diagnostic marker to discriminate childhood apraxia of speech from speech delay: Introduction. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, S1094-S1095. doi:10.1044/2016_JSLHR-S-16-0148

Shriberg, L. D., & Wren, Y. E. (2019). A frequent acoustic sign of Speech Motor Delay (SMD). Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics. doi:10.1080/02699206.2019.1595734.


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