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  • eddychwong

[CAS — R019] Lexical tone identification in childhood apraxia of speech: two cases studies

關於CAS小朋友speech perception 能力的研究並不多,十隻手指數得完,而且全都集中於segmental information。Perception of suprasegmental information 是完全無資料的。這份研究就是想知道CAS小朋友能不能夠辦別廣東話字詞中的聲調。

兩名CAS小朋友進行廣東話聲調辨識測驗 (Cantonese Tone Identification Test; Lee, 2012)後,得到以下結論: 1. Difficulties in identifying lexical tones 2. Perceptual difficulties 3. Support expert opinions about the deficits in identifying/perceiving lexical tones (Wong, 2017).

Presentation 嘅 powerpoint 同 abstract,可以喺呢到搵到:…/332289892_Lexical_Tone_Ident…

參考資料: Lee, K.Y.S. (2012). Cantonese Tone Identification Test (CANTIT). Hong Kong: Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Wong, E. C. H. (2017). Development of a treatment protocol for Cantonese-speaking children with childhood apraxia of speech: case study (Unpublished Master Thesis). The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong.

Wong, E. C. H. & Lee, K. Y. S. (2018, November). Lexical tone identification in childhood apraxia of speech: two cases studies. Paper presented at Speech and Hearing Symposium 2018, Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.

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