今天跟大家談一下developmental coordination disorder (DCD; 發展性協調障礙) 。
為什麼DCD 與言語治療師有關? 其中一個原因就是在評估兒童時,能知道兒童是否有物理/職業治療的需要(Knežević, 2019) 。情況就如你懷疑兒童患有自閉症普系障礙時, 你會轉介兒童接受心理學家或精神科醫生評估一樣。
最近有研究((Duchow et al., 2019) 找來35 位曾經接受suspected CAS 治療的兒童,邀請他們的家長填寫一份有關DCD的篩查問卷,看看兒童是否 potential DCD。同時他們的言語治療師亦填寫suspected CAS的checklist。結果顯示,suspected CAS 兒童被篩查為potential DCD 的比例 (49%) 遠比一般人口中患有DCD的兒童(9%)為多。
Iuzzini-Seigel (2019) 的研究提供更多資訊。在三項動作協調評估中, 包括1) Manual Dexterity, 2) Aiming & Catching, and 3) Balance,得到以下結果: CAS < SSD / TD in Aiming & Catching and Balance
在CAS組中,如果分為患有語言障礙及無語言障礙的話,結果如下: CAS+LI < SSD only / TD in Manual Dexterity and Balance CAS+LI < TD in Aiming and Catching
不同的研究都指出,動作協調問題/發展性協調障礙都可能在CAS 小朋友中找到。各位言語治療師,可多加留意,如有需要,可作出合適的轉介。
註: CAS = childhood apraxia of speech, SSD = speech sound disorder, TD = typically developing, LI = language impairment.
References: Duchow, H., Lindsay, A., Roth, K., Schell, S., Allen, D., & Boliek, C. A. (2019). The co-occurrence of possible developmental coordination disorder and suspected childhood apraxia of speech. Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (CJSLPA), 43(2), 81-93.
Iuzzini-Seigel, J. (2019). Motor performance in children with childhood apraxia of speech and speech sound disorders. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research : JSLHR, 62(9), 3220-3233. doi:10.1044/2019_JSLHR-S-18-0380 [doi]
Knežević, D. (2019). Are children with childhood apraxia of speech a subgroup of children with developmental coordination disorders? Logopedija, 9(1), 9-13.