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[CAS — R023] The applicability of English childhood apraxia of speech to Cantonese


[拍手] 我的第一份期刊文章發布了。這是一項問卷研究。十位來自香港不同學前/在學言語治療服務單位的言語治療師參與了此研究,提出廣東話兒童言語失用症的臨床表徵。

約有八成臨床表徵與英語文獻一致。三項英語臨床表徵未有被提出,包括 1. Lexical stress errors 2. Voicing errors 3. Intrusive schwa

另外有三項與廣東話語音相關的臨床表徵被提出,包括: 1. Difficulty in producing aspirated sound (deaspiration) 2. Weak tone perception or identification 3. Difficulty in producing Cantonese tone



——————————————————————————— My first article is finally published in a peer-reviewed journal. This is a survey study, in which 10 experienced STs from representative clinical settings with pre-school or school-aged speech therapy services in Hong Kong were asked to raise the clinical features of Cantonese CAS.

About 80% of the identified clinical features were consistent with English literature. Three English features were not identified, including 1. Lexical stress errors 2. Voicing errors 3. Intrusive schwa

Three features specifically related to Cantonese phonology were identified, including 1. Difficulty in producing aspirated sound (deaspiration) 2. Weak tone perception or identification 3. Difficulty in producing Cantonese tone

The results imply that core- and possible co-occurring features are shared between English and Cantonese CAS. The six features that were not common in both languages were discussed. Further investigation of CAS in and between different languages is recommended.

Thank you very much for all the participants who contributed to this article. Not only the STs, but also the reviewers and editor of the journal.


Wong, E. C. H., Lee, K. Y. S., & Tong, M. C. F. (2020). The applicability of the clinical features of English childhood apraxia of speech to Cantonese: A modified Delphi survey. American Journal of Speech and Language Pathology.


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