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[CAS – R024] Agreement of CAS diagnosis using two objective measures: SRT & MPT

回顧Motor Speech Conference 2020。今次要分享的是Dr. Jonathan Preston 的Oral presentation。題目都幾有趣,就是研究界別經常使用的兩款用作診斷兒童言語失用症的方法:Maximum Performance Tasks (MPT; Thoonen, Maassen, Gabreels, & Schreuder, 1999)及Syllable Repetition Task (SRT; Shriberg, Lohmeier, Campbell, Dollaghan, Green & Moore, 2009) ,究竟兩種方法是否能夠識別到有兒童言語失用症的兒童呢?

想知道什麼是MPT 和 SRT,可參考這個 (

在69位7-16歲的兒童中,兩種方法同樣地認為10人有CAS及31人沒有CAS。餘下的28人中,SRT識別10人有CAS,MPT識別18人有CAS。整體來說,兩種方法的agreement 太約60%左右。

雖然MPT 及 SRT 都各自表術為high sensitivity 及specificity,但原來他們的agreement 又不是太高。這代表什麼?Dr. Preston 表示,因為此研究中的兒童年齡都是較大的,可能在年幼兒童中agreement 會較高。另外亦有與會者認為兒童的severity 可能是其中一個影響agreement 的因素。結語,在選擇客觀測量方法時,需注意啊。

Reference: Preston, J. (2020, February). Agreement of childhood apraxia of speech diagnosis using two objective measures: Syllable Repetition and Maximum Performance Tasks. Paper presented at Motor Speech Conference 2020, Santa Barbara, CA.

Shriberg, L. D., Lohmeier, H. L., Campbell, L. T., Dollaghan C. A., Green, J. R., & Moore, C. A. (2009). A nonword repetition task for speakers with misarticulations: The syllable repetition task (SRT). Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 52(5), 1189-1212.

Thoonen, G., Maassen, B., Gabreels, F., & Schreuder, R. (1999). Validity of maximum performance tasks to diagnoses motor speech disorders in children. Clinical Linguistics, & Phonetics, 13, 1-23.

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