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  • eddychwong

[CAS-- S002] 參考書推介

早幾日有人問我,Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme 有冇啲書可以睇下。當下果一刻我諗到只係本training manual。但之後再諗,諗起有個book chapter,就係以下呢個喇。

Williams, P., & Stephens, H. (2010). The Nuffield Centre dyspraxia programme. In A. L., Williams, S. McLeod, & R. J., McCauley (Eds.), Intervention for speech sound disorders in children (pp. 159–177). Baltimore: Paul H Brookes Publishing Co.

本書其實好好睇,講咗好多個Speech sound disorders 嘅treatment approaches。就算唔係NDP,都可以溫習返啲最基本嘅treatment approaches,例如minimal pairs 、core vocabularies training 等等。好值得買一本。

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