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  • eddychwong

[CAS - S007] Moving across syllables

最近喺網上訂咗呢本書返嚟(等咗成個月,終於到咗)。其實佢唔單只係一本書,仲係一套有assessment 同 treatment 嘅approach。要提一提, 呢個approach未有report 任何scientific data,唔算係一個evidence-based treatment approach。

Moving across syllables 係為 3-10歲有執行字詞中排序動作困難(difficulty executing sequenced movements in words) 嘅兒童而設計,訓練佢地喺音節中及橫誇音節(within and across syllables) 嘅排序技巧(sequencing skills).

書入面有提及最適用嘅client係: 1. 3-10歲; 2. 有功能性語言能力(functional language skills) 但有排列聲音或音節問題 (deficits in sequencing sounds or syllables); 3. 發音能力會隨音節長度增加而變差的小朋友 (the child who shows increased misarticulations as syllable length increases); 4. 有以下Error patterns: syllable reduction in polysyllabic words, consistent phoneme substitution, 或omission errors in co-articulation context. 5. MLU 3.5 words 及能專注約7-10 分鐘為佳。

呢個approach 最特別就係佢好有系統咁將唔同number of syllables 嘅字分類。分類方法係根據字嘅sequenced movement。例如:「pig」 係一個bilabial-velar 嘅字;「top」係一個alveolar-bilabial 嘅字。

先進行initial test,結果會顯示小朋友嘅specific sequencing problems係喺幾多個syllable 同邊一種sequenced movement入面出現。跟住你就可以跟住個programme 去進行訓練,改善syllable number 同 sequenced movements 喇。

唔知大家大有冇用呢種方法訓練CAS 嘅小朋友呢?

Reference: Kirkpatrick, J., Stohe, P., & Kimbrough, D. (1990). Moving Across Syllables: Training articulatory sound sequences. Texas: Pro-ed.

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