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  • eddychwong

Recently published journal articles that are very worth to read.…/10.11…/1460-6984.12371/full 👆🏻A systematic review and classification of interventions for speech-sound disorder in preschool children 👆🏻Tutorial: Assessment and Analysis of Polysyllables in Young Children 👆🏻Model-Driven Treatment of Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Positive Effects of the Speech Motor Learning Approach…/abs/10.…/02699206.2017.1419378… 👆🏻Changes in movement transitions across a practice period in childhood apraxia of speech 👆🏻Delayed and disordered development of articulation and phonology between four and seven years

  • eddychwong

Accidentally came across this. There are few studies concerning children with CAS and suspected motor speech difficulties. Worth to read.

* A Proposed model for identification of childhood apraxia of speech in young children. * Using the Syllable Repetition Task to reveal underlying speech processes in childhood apraxia of speech * Emergent literacy skills in English-speaking preschoolers with suspected childhood apraxia of speech: A pilot study * Wee Words: A Parent-focused group program for young children with suspected motor speech difficulties

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