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上次分享過treatment 嘅structure,有興趣可以碌返去C004睇下。今次想講下點揀stimuli。

揀stimuli 比CAS 仔係一件好重要嘅事,亦係一門學問。揀得太易,就challenge 唔到個小朋友;揀得太難,就學極都學唔到。唔同嘅treatment approach 揀stimuli 嘅criteria 都有啲唔同。今次講其中一個approach。

Dynamic Temporal Tactile Cueing (DTTC; Strand, Stoeckel, & Baas, 2006) 係一個functional approach,係會應用Principle of Motor Learning 嘅。佢揀嘅stimuli,都係一啲日常生活用量較高嘅字。即係functional vocabularies/phrases。咁當然唔係咁簡單啦,仲會因應小朋友本身嘅能力。所謂「能力」,拆到好細嚟講,就係佢嘅phonetic 同phonotactic inventory喇。Strand and Skinder (1999) 曾經舉過一個例子: 如果小朋友只有differentiated vowels (e.g., /i/, /u/),咁我地可以揀一啲CV 或者 VC structure,然後設計一啲二至三個CV/VC字嘅短句 (e.g., me too)。套用落廣東話到,如果小朋友有/a/同/i/,你就可以試下揀/ba si/(巴士)。

不過講係咁講,試過咁樣揀,你就知道好有限制。第一,如果小朋友嘅inventory 好少野,你實際上揀到嘅字唔會好多。第二,由講一個 single vowel 跳到去講一個咁長嘅disyllabic words,對小朋友嚟講難度有啲高。我個人覺得,CAS小朋友嘅sequencing skills,真係應該一步一步咁上。

我喺我份MPhil thesis (Wong, 2017) 入面,定咗一個槪念,叫 simple-but-beyond-inventory phonotactic structure。其實都係zone of proximal development 嘅槪念。喺揀stimuli 嘅時候考慮stimuli 嘅phonotactic structure。如果小朋友有CV,simple-but-beyond-inventory structure 就係VV同CVV喇。呢個structure 嘅level of difficulty,係參考Stoke (2002) 同developmental data (Tse, 1993) 而訂嘅。有咗難度提升嘅hierarchy,再根據phonetic inventory 入面有嘅野,砌一個functional word,小朋友學起上嚟就會易好多。Thesis入面都報告咗有一個小朋友成功用呢種方法擴充咗佢嘅phonotactic structure inventory。

其實CAS 仔嘅phonetic inventory 都唔係咁簡單。Spontaneous speech 入面有嘅唔代表imitation 可以做到,亦唔代表佢可以用喺唔同phonotactic structure 入面,咁又算唔算係phonetic inventory呢?另外,咁inventory 無嘅音點算?都要教架?下次講下先。

References: Stokes, S. F. (2002). Levels of complexity in phonological disorders: Evidence from Cantonese. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 16(1), 35–57.

Strand, E. A., Stoeckel, R. E., & Baas, B. S. (2006). Treatment of severe childhood apraxia of speech: A treatment efficacy study. Journal of Medical Speech-Language Pathology, 14(4), 297–307.

Strand, E. A., & Skinder, A. (1999). Treatment of developmental apraxia of speech: Integral stimulation methods. In A. J. Caruso & E. A. Strand (Eds.), Clinical management of motor speech disorders in children (pp. 109–148). New York: Thieme.

Tse, C. A. (1993). The development of a phonological system in Cantonese: A case report. In E. V. Clark (Ed.), The proceedings of the 25th annual child language research forum (pp. 287–296). US: Centre for the Study of Language Information, Leland Stanford Junior University.

Wong, E. C. H. (2017). Development of a treatment protocol for Cantonese-speaking children with childhood apraxia of speech. (Unpublished master’s thesis). The Chinese University of Hong Kong, HKSAR, China.


今日介紹一本書,我個人覺得係入門level。有啲theoretical information,亦有practical/clinical skills,好易睇!

特登喺我成日買書嘅書網cap 落嚟比大家睇,有埋價錢,唔算好貴。但呢個英國書網間唔中都會有特價。𥄫住個價錢,一見平就買喇!!

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