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云云眾多poster 一面,我發現到一份來自克羅地亞嘅poster,係講CAS嘅。當然要去睇一下。見到個author。佢係Dora~~

傾下計,發現原來喺世界嘅另一邊,有一個同我一樣咁瘋狂的人,有著同樣對CAS瘋狂的熱情。呢個係今次參加會議嘅bonus。Dora 係克羅地亞嘅言語治療師,開始咗PhD study 兩年。佢話我知,克羅地亞入面對CAS嘅研究係零!佢好鍾意CAS,亦好想可以為克羅地亞嘅小朋友做多一啲關於CAS 嘅研究。我同佢交流咗香港嘅情況,我地大家都好明白大家嘅處境,一句”I understand” 真係唔足以表達我有幾明白佢嘅境況~~我地交換咗聯絡方法,亦希望嚟緊可以保持聯絡,或者以後有機會可以collaborate 下。講真,我真係好興奮~

講返Dora 做嘅嘢先。佢做咗一個survey study,收集咗72個言語治療師嘅意見。克羅地亞嘅言語治療師列出不同的臨床表徵,當中五大表徵包括:

1. motor-programming deficits 2. inconsistent production 3. speech errors 4. lengthened and disrupted coarticulation transitions 5. sequencing difficulties

另外,Dora 發現言語治療師嘅年資跟有兒童言語失用症兒童做評估嘅信心,並無太大關係。

Dora has done a very good job for the SLPs and children who live in her home country. And I am sure that she will work further in this field. Please keep your eyes on this name!!

參加了在台灣舉行的 IALP2019 國際會議。會議裡有很多不同的sessions。其他的就不說太多,集中跟大家分享Motor Speech Disorders 及 兒童言語失用症的吧。

Session of Motor Speech Committee題目為 “New insights Into Child and Adult Motor Speech Disorders”。有兩份關於兒童的:

1. 由Professor Angela Morgan 主講,題目為 “Unravelling the genetic architecture of childhood apraxia of speech”。講嘅就係跟CAS有關的genes。大家都知道FOXP2 啦,但原來不足2% 嘅CAS 係有FOXP2 mutation。另外有十幾種gene 跟CAS有關,而三份之一嘅CAS cases 係同genetic disorders 有關。最後,professor Angela Morgan 寄語,’Genetic will only become more relevant to our practice”. 大家都應該開始認識下。相關study 嘅journal articles 係呢度:

Eising, E., Carrion-Castillo, A., Vino, A, Strand, E. A., Jakielski, K. J., Scerri, T. S., …, Fisher, S. E. (2018). A set of regulatory genes co-expressed in embryonic human brain is implicated in disrupted speech development. Molecular Psychiatry. Feb 20. https://doi: 10.1038/s41380-018-0020-x.

Morgan, A. T. & Webster, R. (2018). Aetiology of childhood apraxia of speech: A clinical practice update for paediatricians. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 54(10), 1090-1095.

2. 由Professor Ben Maassen 主講,題目為 “Profiling speech sound production and maximum repetition rate in children with SSD: Towards process-oriented diagnostics” 。講緊點樣用一個process-oriented approach,配合Computer Articulation Instrument (CAI) 去做diagnosis。其實係用緊speech recognition 方法去做speech diagnosis。都真係唔係三言兩語可以總結到。都係refer 返佢嘅journal articles:

Terban, H., Maassen, B., & Maas, E. (2019). A psycholinguistic framework for diagnosis and treatment planning of developmental speech disorders. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica.

Diepeveen, S., van Haaften, L., Terband, H., de Swart, B., & Maassen, B. (2019). A standardized protocol for maximum repetition rate assessment in children. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica.

之後再講下oral present 同 poster present 睇到聽到嘅嘢~~

DDK 表現,點為之合適,點為之唔合適,一路都無乜準則。終於有一個大型研究(n = 1,524),睇下2-7歲小朋友嘅DDK performances。

問一:睇咗個abstract,你會唔會想睇埋份full article? 問二:有冇興趣睇完之後,寫份summary,再喺呢個平台分享俾其他治療師呢?

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